14th April 2022

HEIW Post-registration foundation pharmacist training programme (For newly registered pharmacists)

This programme is part of the overall implementation of the new GPhC standards for the initial education and training of pharmacists (IETP) which commenced in August 2021 and due for full implementation by July 2026. It provides a continuum of practice for new registrants early in their careers.

The programme builds upon the HEIW multi-sector Foundation training year and is aimed at new pharmacist registrants emerging from July 2022 onwards. The programme offers a structured pathway to develop competency to deliver more complex patient care, bridging the period for new registrants, until the new IETP standards are fully implemented and aligns to the ‘A  Healthier Wales’ agenda A Healthier Wales (gov.wales).

Why should new registrants enrol on the programme?

This programme will support newly registered pharmacists to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours to confidently practice in any sector, at a generalist Post-Registration Foundation Level.

It will provide an opportunity to build confidence and competence in practice beyond what is required for registration as a pharmacist, with the support from experienced practitioners.

This training implements the new RPS Post-registration foundation pharmacist curriculum RPS Post-registration Foundation Curriculum-FINAL.pdf (rpharms.com), which reflects the core changes to pharmacist practice, including the achievement of Independent Prescribing status. It will help develop the capabilities to meet the current and future NHS needs and deliver improved patient care.

It will provide an opportunity to develop communities of practice with fellow peers to support each other in everyday practice.

What does the programme involve?

  • Completion of an online ePortfolio of evidence to demonstrate achievement of the RPS curriculum learning outcomes
  • Experiential learning in the workplace and across the multidisciplinary team
  • Undertaking Supervised Learning Events
  • Dedicated protective time in practice to develop evidence and undertake programme activities
  • Blended teaching approach from the commissioned Higher Education Institute provider
  • Completion of postgraduate credit-bearing modules
  • Gaining Independent Prescribing qualification
  • Support from an Educational supervisor, Designated prescribing practitioner and a Practice supervisor

Further information can be found below:

Post-Registration Foundation Pharmacist Community Pharmacy Stakeholder Event Summary Report September 21

Post-Registration Foundation Pharmacist Community Pharmacy Stakeholder Event Summary Report November 21

Post-Registration Foundation Pharmacist training programme FAQ’s

Post-Registration Foundation Pharmacist Community Pharmacy Stakeholder Event February 22

or for further enquiries please email HEIW.IETP@wales.nhs.uk.