Polypharmacy and Prescribing in the Frail Elderly

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Approximately one fifth of the population in Wales is 65 or over and this will continue to rise, with about 86% of this population taking regular prescribed medicines. This programme will cover the physiological changes that occur in the elderly, effects of polypharmacy, as well as tool to help you identify, reduce and prevent inappropriate polypharmacy from occuring.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this programme, you will be able to:

  • Describe the common physiological chnages that occur in the elderly
  • Recognise the consequences of polypharmacy in the elderly
  • Identify the circumstances that place elderly patients at risk from polypharmacy
  • Identify important tools to identify and reduce polypharmacy and to minimise negative impact
  • Consider and identify the reasons for potential non-adherence to medication